
Therapeutic Hands

– Wellness Studio LLC –

Welcome to Therapeutic Hands Wellness Studio where relaxation and therapeutic relief come together.

Massage Therapy

This is the ultimate way to care for your body by relaxing away stress and tension from daily life. Massage therapy can help individuals with chronic pain, poor flexibility, headaches, injuries, surgeries and so much more.

Currently Low Availability

taken by Digital Dutchess Photography

Corrective Exercise

Have low back or neck pain? Therapeutic Hands focuses on client education and preventative measures to life’s common problems. Locating muscle imbalances and strengthening the weak muscles is a great way to prolong the life of your joints.

–> Accepting New Clients <–

At Therapeutic Hands Wellness Studio we speak muscles so let us help increase your quality of life through relaxation and exercise!

Meet the Therapist!

Kaitlyn (Steiner) Graham, B.S., LMT, CES

Kaitlyn first began her career in 2016 when she graduated from Carmel School of Massage and Healing Arts in 2016 under the instruction of Keri Brown. It was here where she learned the vast depths that massage therapy could provide to others going much deeper than just a luxury.

Then, to further her education and knowledge base she decided to change her major in Exercise Science at IUPUI. This proved to be a powerful dynamic since she was a practicing therapist and able to immediately use the knowledge learned in her classes during sessions. While working full time and attending classes part time, Kaitlyn graduated with her Bachelors of Science in 2020.

Kaitlyn then instructed for Ivy Tech’s massage therapy program at the Lawrence branch for a year and a half. She really enjoyed educating her students and sharing her real life experiences of the trade.

Most recently Kaitlyn has completed a Corrective Exercise certification from NASM to offer personal sessions to correct any muscle imbalances that clients may have. This addition would provide a way to strengthen the muscles that are weak while allowing massage to relax any that are tight to achieve a neutral position of the joint.

taken by Digital Dutchess Photography

Massage License Number: #MT21706038

When can you come in?

Therapeutic Hands Wellness Studio LLC

Established in February of 2021, we offer massage therapy to relax the tight muscles and corrective exercise to strengthen the weak ones with the goal of achieving neutral joint balance.

12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
9:30 am – 5:30 pm
9:30 am – 5:30 pm

If you have any questions please do not delay reaching out. Texting is the preferred contact as it is the quickest way for the therapist to respond between sessions.